Sunday , February 16 2025

Hartlepool Art Gallery

Hartlepool Art Gallery, opened in 1996 (the year of Visual Arts), is situated in a stunning and beautifully restored Victorian church – Built 1854 by architect E.B.Lamb.

Hartlepool Art Gallery and Tourist Information Centre is located at Church Square, Hartlepool – within a minutes walk from Hartlepool Railway Station and close to Hartlepool Town Centre, the Middleton Grange Shopping Centre, Hartlepool Historic Quay, Museum and Town Hall Theatre.

With a frequently changing exhibition programme, you can enjoy contemporary and fine art, photography, crafts and work of national, regional and local importance. You can also see some of Hartlepool Museums permanent collection.

Art exhibitions at the Hartlepool Art Gallery often have links with historic themes and attractions in the town. Recent art exhibitions have included the outstanding posters, which resemble historic railway posters, and drawings of Carole D. Allick which feature towers and scenes from Hartlepool and other iconic buildings in the North East such as the Transporter Bridge in Middlesbrough.

Access and Facilities
Disabled Access, Toilet / Baby Changing Facilities, Credit / Debit Facilities, Interest Free Credit Arts Purchase Plan

Tourist Information
Hartlepool Tourist Information and the Theatre Box Office are located in Hartlepool Art Gallery – Contact the Box Office on 01429 890 000

Gallery Resource Area
For each exhibition it is our aim to provide a resource area, where you can find out more about each artist, exhibition work and do some background reading at you leisure

100ft Clock Viewing Tower
A unique feature of the Gallery – if you’re feeling fit and you time it right you can see the workings of the tower clock and hear the quarterly chimes from its peal of six bells. You can climb the stone tower and have the best vantage point of the town for a small fee. Looking out to sea…you can see for miles

Art Gallery Book and Crafts Shop
Set inside the Grade 1 listed former church, the gallery shop carries a wide range of books, magazines, art and contemporary culture. We can also order books or deliver them to you by post. Also our popular exhibition posters are available for a small fee, whilst stocks remain available

Free Guided Tours
We can offer free guided tours of Hartlepool Art Gallery to schools and colleges by arrangement. There is no charge, but a small donation to the gallery would be welcome

Coffee Shop
Open Tuesday to Saturday 10am – 3pm
Set in exquisite surroundings, the coffee shop is open five days a week. It serves a variety of baguettes, scones and treats, delicious soups, baked potatoes, toasties and other hot & cold refreshments

For reasons of safety and hygiene, animals (excluding guide dogs) are not allowed at the Art Gallery.

Opening Hours

Open Tuesday – Saturday 10 am to 5 pm – Entrance is FREE

Address: Hartlepool Art Gallery, Church Square, Hartlepool. TS24 7EQ

Telephone: 01429 869706

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