View on 1st Pressure Vessel after concreting the first level, showing the voids for the boilers and the second ring of precast units being lifted into place
Gallery of images 7 – building the nuclear power station
Building and the construction of the two pre-stressed concrete Pressure Vessels which contain the reactors and boilers. The images date from summer 1969 – summer 1972.
Cladding rails being fitted to Reactor Hall perimeter
Lifting in perimeter precast concrete units. This row has a single channel as voids have to be formed for the passage of services through the Pressure Vessel
Light metal ducting being placed in the Pressure Vessels prior to concreting
Light metal ducting being placed in the Pressure Vessels
View at south end of Reactor Hall
View in Pressure Vessel showing metal ducting for prestressing cables and concreting behind the precast units
View of Pressure Vessel construction after the first (central) pour of concret
View of Pressure Vessel construction after the first (central) pour of concrete
View on 1st Pressure Vessel after concreting the first level, showing the voids for the boilers and the second ring of precast units being lifted into place
View on Pressure Vessel showing perimeter precast units, voids formed for boilers, reinforcing steel, prestressing anchors and a number of light metal ducts