Hartlepool was once a small town surrounded by a collection of villages and farms – some of which still exist today.
a bus outside (barclays – now the ward jackson pub (lloyds bar) church square
Church Street
Hartlepool College of Further Education
Hartlepool from the air
Hartlepool Marina
Middleton Swing Bridge
SS Deerpool. Sunk By Uboats
SS Otterpool. Sunk by Uboats
SS Somersby . Sunk by Uboats
SS Troutpool. Sunk by Uboats
The Santa Special
war memorial
ward jackson 1910
warehouses 1900
water works lancaster road 1966
Wesley 1901
West Hartlepool Church Street c.1910
West Hartlepools 1st petrol fire engine 1920 Leyland
whitby street 1905
york road park road
york road 1930
yorkshire bank 1970